quinta-feira, julho 13, 2006

EBAY retira venda de alma????????????????????

Ela há coisas...já tinha lido o artigo....mas pensei que era treta:

Veja-se no site http://www.baptiststandard.com/2000/4_3/pages/editorial.html

"Here's good news unless you're desperate for money: eBay, the colossal online auction agency, has decided not to allow people to sell their souls over the Internet.
(..)___"I'm selling my soul! Cheap!" Fox's eBay posting said. "I need money fast, so I'm selling my soul. For a low price, you get a piece of paper saying you own my soul. You get the paper only. Shipping is free! Bid now, I need money!"(...)"

mas o mais engraçado é o argumento do EBAY para cancelar a venda

"eBay does not allow the auctioning of human souls for the following reasons: If the soul does not exist, eBay could not allow the auctioning of a soul, because there would be nothing to sell. However, if the soul does exist, then, in accordance with eBay's policy on human parts and remains, we would not allow the auctioning of human souls."

mas houve quem fizesse ofertas:

" His soul stayed up for bid for 10 days and went for $5, USA Today reported. Fox wasn't alone. Sterling Jones, 18, of Ontario, Calif., also offered his soul and received bids up to $20.50, according to The Press-Enterprise in Riverside, Calif."

Simplesmente hilariante!


Blogger Kaos said...

Já tinha sabido desta noticia pelo blog do Rui Martins (Quintus) e não sei o que considerar mais ridiculo. Se a venda, se a desculpa para não a realizar.
um abraço

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